THE TESTIMONY OF THREE WITNESSES Be It Known unto all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people, unto whom this work shall come: That we, through the grace of God the Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, have seen the plates which contain this record, which is a record of the people of Nehphi, and also of the Lamantines, their brethren, and also of the people of Jared, who came from the tower of which hath been spoken. And we also know that they have been translated by the gift and power of God, for his voice hath declared it unto us, wherefore we know of a surety that the work is true. And we also testify that we have seen the engravings which are upon the plates; and they have been shown unto us by the power of God, and not of man. And we declare with words of soberness, that an angel of God came down from heaven, and he brought and laid before our eyes, that we beheld the plates, and the engravings thereon; and we know that it is by the grace of God the Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, that we beheld and bear record that these things are true. And it is marvelous in our eyes. Nevertheless, the voice of the Lord commanded us that we should bear record of it; wherefore, to be obedient unto the commandments of God, we bear testimony to these things. And we know that if we are faithful in Christ, we shall rid our garments of the blood of all men, and be found spotless before the judgment seat of Christ, and shall dwell with him eternally in the heavens. And the honor be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, which is one God. Amen. Oliver Cowdery David Whitmer Martin Harris Joseph Smith's Testimony of the Three Witnesses. OLIVER COWDERY: Oliver Cowdery was the Church's second Elder, often called the "Second President." The early day companion of Joseph Smith, he was scribe for the Book of Mormon, present at the "Restoration of the Priesthood," and as close to the real truth as any man.[1] However, in 1838 in Kirtland, Oliver confronted Joseph Smith with the charge of adultery with Fanny Alger, and with lying and teaching false doctrines.[2] Joseph Smith denied this and charged Cowdery with being a liar.[3] Church records now show Miss Alger as being Smith's first "spiritual wife." Oliver was telling the truth![4] Cowdery was excommunicated for this and other "crimes."[5] Later, as a Methodist, he denied the Book of Mormon[6] and publicly confessed his sorrow and shame for his connection with Mormonism. [7] While the Mormon church claims he rejoined them in the fall of 1848,[8] they also accused him later the same year, with trying to "raise up the Kingdom again" with the apostate, William E. McLellin.[9] Oliver Cowdery was publicly charged by Joseph Smith and leading Mormons with stealing, lying, perjury, counterfeiting, adultery, and being the leader of a gang of "scoundrels of the deepest degree!"[10] DAVID WHITMER David Whitmer saw the plates "by the eye of faith" handled by an angel.[1] He later told of finding them lying in field and later still, told Orson Pratt they were on a table with all sorts of brass plates, gold plates, the Sword of Laban, the "Director" and the Urim and Thumin.[2] During the summer of 1837, while in Kirtland, he pledged his new loyalty to a Prophetess (as did Martin and Oliver) who used a black seer stone and danced herself into "trances."[3] It was the start of the finish for him. It ended in 1847 in his declaration to Oliver that he (Whitmer) was to be the Prophet of the New Church of Christ and Oliver a counselor.[4] In the meantime, he was excommunicated and roughly put out. His and Oliver's families were, in fact, driven into the streets and robbed by the Mormons while Whitmer and Cowdery were away to arrange a place to flee.[5] Cursed by leaders such as Sidney Rigdon, Whitmer was denounced by the Prophet Joseph Smith as a "dumb beast to ride" and "an ass to bray out cursings instead of blessings.[6] MARTIN HARRIS Martin Harris was first a Quaker, then a Universalist, next a Restorationist, then a Baptist, next a Presbyterian, and then a Mormon.[1] After his excommunication in 1837, he changed his religion eight more times, going from the Shakers to one Mormon splinter group to the next, and back to the main group in 1842.[2] Yet, in 1846, Harris was preaching among the Saints in England for the apostate James J. Strang.[3] Harris testified that his testimony for Sharkerism was greater than it was for Mormonism. The Shaker's "Sacred Roll and Book" was also delivered by an angel.[4] His later testimony that he saw the plates by "the eye of faith and not with the natural eyes" should eliminate him automatically as a witness.[5] In the Elder's Journal for August, 1838, Joseph Smith denounces him as "so far beneath contempt that to notice him would be too great a sacrifice for a gentleman to make. The Church exerted some restraint on him, but now he has given loose to all kinds of abominations, lying, cheating, swindling, and all kinds of debauchery."[6] SOME FACTS ABOUT THE BOOK OF MORMON Inscribed on thing gold plates yet had engravings on both sides. Curiously difficult to either do or read. Gold weighs 1204.7 pounds per cubic foot. The plates were 7" X 8" X 6", and had to have weighed over 200 pounds. Yet Joseph Smith carried them around under his arm, and at one time ran several miles with them. They were inscribed in Egyptian - a cursed language for the Jewish people. Part of the record was taken from the "Brass Plates of Laban" in 600BC. Yet, this form of writing was not used in that day. After the Book of Mormon was written, Joseph and Oliver returned the plates into a cavern that "opened up" for them inside the Hill Cumorah. This cavern was filled with wagon loads of more plates. There has never been another gold plate like these found anywhere in the America's! or the whole world! There has never been another brass plate like Laban's found anywhere in the Holy Land! or the whole world! In all the archaeological discoveries in the Americas, not a single one of the 38 major cities in the Book of Mormon has been found. In 385 AD close to a half million casualties fell with all manner of weapons of war, in the last Great Battle - on the tiny Hill of Cumorah. Yet not even a single item of evidence has ever been found. There have been over 4,000 changes to the Book of Mormon which was presented as the most perfect book on Earth by it's Author/Translator. Eight of the eleven total witnesses to the Book of Mormon apostatized from the Church. TO THE MORMON This information has ben given to you in love. We can assure you that it is accurate and honest. The programs, and certainly the people, of the Mormon Church are good. However, you can have the greatest organization, and a sincere faith - but if that organization directs your faith to a "god" who is not the one and only true God of the Bible, but rather a false god who cannot save - then after your own death, that organization and that faith will amount to nothing. Take up the challenge! Dare to question and become a genuine seeker of the truth. Were you given the information on the "meat" of Mormonism, which we have outlined here, during the missionary lessons before you joined the church? Were you asked to make an eternal decision, based upon incomplete and inaccurate information? WE URGE YOU to call out to the One True God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to reveal Himself to you - and ask the One True Jesus to apply His sacrifice on the cross to your sins personally! There is no other God and no other way! Write to us! We will give you all the information available. HOW YOU CAN BE A CHRISTIAN: Any person, right where he or she is, can have a personal relationship with the living God through Jesus Christ, and the assurance of eternal life, through prayer to the real God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. (the God of the Bible) 1) Admit that (on your own) you are separated from God by sin, unable to save yourself (Ro. 3:23; Is. 64:6) 2) Be willing to turn from sin, to let Him change your life. (Acts 26:20) 3) Believe that the real Jesus Christ died to pay the penalty of your personal sins and will take them away (Ro 5:8,9). Accept this in faith as a gift from God (Eph. 2:8,9). 4) Invite Jesus Christ into your life to be your personal Lord and Savior (Rev 3:20; Jo 1:12; 1 Jo 5:11-13). 5) Read God's Word (the Bible) daily and allow Him to take over the management of your life. Let His Holy Spirit fill you and lead you daily. Seek out a Christian church of believers who stand on God's Word and it alone. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- OLIVER COWDERY [1] Pearl of Great Price, JS 2:72-76 [2] Private Letter to Brother, Warren Cowdery, by Oliver Cowdery, Jan 21, 1838 [3] History of the Church, Vol 3 pp 16-18 [4] Historical Record, 1886, Vol 5 p. 233 [5] History of the Church, Vol 3, pp 16-18 [6] Times and Seasons, Vol 2, p 482. Improvement Era, Jan. 1969 p. 56 "Oliver Cowdery - The Man Outstanding" Joseph Greehalgh, 1965 p 28 [7] The True Origin of the Book of Mormon, Charles Shook, 1914 pp 58-59 [8] Historical Record, 1886, Vol 5 p 210 [9] The Mormon Frontier, Diary of Hosea Stout, Vol 2 p 336 [10] Senate Document 189, Feb. 15, 1841, pp 6-9. Comprehensive History of the Church, B.H. Roberts, Vol. 1 pp 438,439 MARTIN HARRIS [1] Mormonism Unveiled, E.D. Howe, 1834, pp 260-261 [2] Improvement Era, March 1969, p 63. Journal of Discourses, Vol 7, p164, Brigham Young. [3] Church Chronology, Andrew Jensen, 1899, p. 31; Millenial Star, Vol 8, Nov. 15, 1846, pp 124-128. [4] Case Against Mormonism, Tanner, Vol. 2, pp 50-58; Martin Harris - Witness & Benefactor, BYU 1955 Thesis, Wayne C. Gunnell, p 52 The Braden & Kelly Debate, p 173 [5] Gleanings by the Way, J.A. Clark, pp 256-257. DAVID WHITMER [1] Palmyra Reflector, March 19, 1831. [2] Millenial Star, Vol. XL, pp 771-772. [3] Biographical Sketches, Lucy Smith, pp. 221-213. [4] Letter to Oliver Cowdery, by David Whitmer, Sept. 8, 1847, Printed in The 'Ensign of Liberty' 5/1848, p. 93; also see 'Ensign of Liberty' 8/1849, pp 101-104. [5] John Whitmer's History of the Church, Modern Microfilm, SLC, p 22 [6] History of the Church, Vol 3 p. 228. ============================================================================= Saints Alive in Jesus P.O. Box 1076 Issaquah, WA 98027